What Inner Barrel Tightness Does a G&g Airsoft Have

What Inner Barrel Tightness Does a G&g Airsoft Have

What To Consider When Upgrading Your Airsoft AEG Gun's Inner Barrel

I always encounter questions on forums similar this: "Which barrel length volition requite me the best accuracy for my gun?", or "I desire to put a longer barrel in my gun. Which length should I get?s The question of barrel length and accuracy are not necessarily related. These questions crave a bit of explanation, and there are many factors when talking about butt length, accurateness, efficiency, etc. It all comes down to volume matching the cylinder volume to the barrel volume.

Here is the formula. I volition get into this a scrap later.
V = Pi x R2 10 H
V = Volume
Pi = 3.1415
R2 = Radius of the cylinder squared
H = The height of the cylinder. Measured from the forepart of the cylinder to the port (if there is a port in the cylinder)

If you have e'er taken a gearbox apart, you lot will detect that guns have different style cylinders. There are 4 chief types of cylinders:
– Full Cylinder (No holes) 455mm-509mm (590 at the nigh)
-4/5 Cylinder (Holes four-fifths of the way to the back of the cylinder) 407mm to 455mm
-iii/iv Cylinder (Holes 3-quarters of the way to the dorsum of the cylinder) 247mm or 363mm
-ane/2 Cylinder (Holes in the eye of the cylinder) Under 200mm

These cylinders are designed to exist used with specific butt lengths. The numbers in a higher place are estimates. For example, if y'all have a 1/two ported cylinder, yous would not desire to effort to use a 590mm barrel. This is considering the volume of the cylinder (the Height – h) is halved considering of the ports in the cylinder, and the cylinder will not have enough air book to properly push the BB through the barrel. When this happens, the piston has completed its cycle and hits the forepart of your cylinder head, while the BB is however in the barrel. This causes FPS loss and will actually hinder accurateness/distance. This is especially the instance if you lot are using a heavier BB, because the BB will crave more air to propel it through the butt.

Great, so I have all this information, but how exercise I put it in to do? Commencement you lot want to get the ratio for your gun, which is achieved past taking the volume of the chamber (your cylinder) and divide it by the volume of the barrel (which is basically a long skinny cylinder). When I measured the ratio in my ASG M60, I calculated a ratio of ii.86:1. This means that I had 2.86 times more air book in the cylinder than in the barrel. Some people would consider this "over volumed". That M60 had a 363mm butt with a full cylinder. If you look at the chart higher up, y'all will see that a 363mm barrel is not normally paired with a full cylinder.

This seems like a lot of work, do I really need to exercise this? Not necessarily. If you follow simple guidelines and sympathise that slapping a 590mm barrel in a CQB M4 gun will not proceeds you lot distance or accuracy, you will be fine. Guns tend to exist volume matched from the factory (although this is not ever the case) and in that location is a reason why your M4 comes with a ported cylinder. In the instance of volume, it would exist better to over volume rather than under book.

How does BB weight factor into this equation? Good question and it is actually quite simple. Let's say your M4 has a 363mm barrel in it and you lot want to apply a .32g BB. More than likely your gun will not take enough air volume to propel this BB out of the barrel before the piston has completed its cycle to the front of the cylinder. This volition reduce the FPS of the gun even more than considering it requires more "force" (air) to move the BB through the barrel.

How does barrel diameter size factor into this equation? Technically, it does factor in, but the difference in the volume you get from a 6.08 when compared to a 6.01 is extremely minimal. Roughly, 98% of the book will come from the length of the butt.

So what should I accept abroad from this article? I know this is a lot of information to take in. If you lot are going to measure your book ratio, I would shoot for a 1.8:i to 2:i ratio to exist safe. If you plan on putting a longer barrel in a gun, it is e'er all-time to conform the cylinder too. I have found that it is e'er better to over volume, equally stated before. I promise this helps you empathize barrel upgrades in guns. If you are unsure, yous can requite united states of america a call at the store and we can help y'all out.

What Inner Barrel Tightness Does a G&g Airsoft Have

Posted by: jamesondidarculd.blogspot.com

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